Quality Gear in all aspects of the Studio.
It’s key in recording to get it right a the source. Great equipment goes a long ways towards doing that. Bring your own gear or have the option to use the professional equipment here for a nominal fee.
Incredible array of top of the line mics. From the classic Neuman U67 to jack of all trades like the Shure SM57 or SM58.
Interfaces/Outboard Gear/Misc
Record on an Apogee Symphony I/O MK II through mic preamp’s from API, BAE (Neve), Chandler and more. There are a million different instruments that require a million different ways to capture their sound. So we’re equipped with a wide variety of devices to do that. D.I’s, signal boosters, ReAmper’s and on and on.
Custom Shop Les Paul 1960 reissue, Masterbuilt Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster and a vintage Telecaster head up the list of instruments for hire. DW Collectors Series drums bring a serious thump. Bring your own gear or see what we can do for your sound.
On through the golden years from a 1957 Fender Champ, 1958 Fender Deluxe, 1965 Supro 88T and a 1970 Leslie 16. Blast a 100 watt Friedman BE-100 Deluxe Head thru a vintage 4×12 cabinet loaded with 1972 Celestion T1221 Greenbacks with legendary Pulsonic cones. Experience an awesome 100 watt Two Rock Classic Reverb Signature thru its 2×12 cabinet.
The wide selection covers all the major pedal food groups. Here’s your chance to experience what a Klon Centaur can do.
Please check out the extensive list of plugins here to serve you.